
Jan 17 2024 - Feb 28 2024




Kaminda Djabou

Mixed doubles League

General information

· Participation in the league costs 15$ per person and is to be payed on your first competition evening.

· On Wednesday nights the courts are reserved for the league.

How does it work?

· Each team plays one match against the other teams in their league.

· Poules consist out of 6 teams for mix and 7 teams for doubles.

· Poules are created based on the combined ranking of the players.

· On a competition evening a team plays one match, sometimes two.

· A match consists of two won sets (best-of-three). With a score of 1-1 a third set should be played. The third set is a supertriebreak.

Competition nights

· The League officials schedule the matches based on start times (17:00 / 18:00 / 19:00 / 20:00 / 21:00)

· The start times are target times; the next match starts directly after the previous match, which means this could be earlier or later.

· If a team is 10 minutes later than the official starting time on the schedule, this team will lose the first set 6-3

· If a team is 15 minutes later than the official starting time on the schedule, this team will lose the match 6-3, 6-3.

Unable to play?

· Each team does their best to be present on the scheduled competition nights. With registration you can fill in one date that you cannot play.

· If you will miss more than one Wednesday night, you cannot participate in the league.

· If a team is still indisposed, a match can be rescheduled on another competition night. You can check the schedule for an empty spot and check the availability of your opponents. Rescheduling must always be communicated with League officials.

· Rescheduling has to be kept to a minimum, a team can reschedule only once.

· A reschedule has to be requested before 10 PM one day before your match, after that it’s an automatic 6-0 6-0 loss.

· In case of an injury or lengthy absence, one player may be replaced for one or more matches. The replacement cannot already be competing in the same league or a league at a higher level.

· If the indisposed team is unsuccessful in rescheduling a match, this team loses the match with 6-3, 6-3.

Scoring system

The score in the league is determined by:

· Number of matches won

· Number of sets won, minus number of sets lost

· Number of games won, minus number of games lost

· Inter-league results

League officials are Jacqueline Swart, Carlin ten Hoeve, Lukas Besseling and Christiaan Elderson. You can contact them through

Registration Closed